Monday, 26 January 2009

Croy Shore

In October 2008 I visited a place called Croyshore. I had not been there since the Sunday School trips when I was a lad. Although the weather was cold and windy, the walk along the sands brought back a lot of memories of those sunny days, playing in the sea, or picnicking on the grassed area just off the sand, with all my friends.

The road down to the beach was the same, a very steep roadway down to the Croy Caravan park at the bottom.

Sunday, 18 January 2009


I was born and spent my first 17 years of my life in Kelloholm, a small village in the Nith valley in Dumfries and Galloway region of Scotland. When I was young I spent most of my time walking and swimming in the Kello River, a tributary to the River Nith.
I also spent many a happy day walking over the hills to through the Euchan Valley and into the Scaur valley. Or walked along the back rood to Sanquhar and then up the Crawck.
They were happy carefree days, where it always seemed to be sunny.
Since then I have walked throughout the Yorkshire Dales, the Peak District in Derbyshire, the English Lakes, The Scottish Highlands, Switzerland, Germany and Iceland. But no matter where I have wandered My hart has always been in the hills of my youth.

Friday, 16 January 2009

Up The Kello

In October 2007 I went walking along the Kello River for the first time in 40 year's. I had no idea when I set out how much it would have changed. 40 years is a long time and it wolud appear that no one walks up this lovely valley any more. There were no footpaths anymore, as there were when I was a lad.
That did not matter as it was a lovely autumn day, the colours of browns, and gold’s stood out and made the walk even better than I had hoped. I wonder if like me other people remember when they walked, swam and played along the Kello River.